Funeral  Brochures

Funeral brochures (sometimes called funeral program, funeral folders or funeral order of service) are the printed document that is given out funeral or memorial services that outlines the key points in the funeral or memorial service and summarizes the life achievements of your deceased loved one.  Memorial and funeral brochures can also be distributed in hard copy printed out, electronically, such as through email or posted to social media.

The family usually gathers and prepares the information for the funeral brochures.  They may work with the funeral home, church or graphic designer to create it, or they may use funeral brochure template from The Funeral Program Site to create unique, beautiful and personalized special funeral brochures on their own computer and home printer. See our collection below for our complete funeral brochures designs!

Funeral Brochures Videos

Funeral Brochure and Funeral Brochure Templates

Funeral brochures typically contain essential information such as a cover photo, background graphics, or clipart with a descriptive caption. They also include the order of service or service outline, a descriptive obituary or life sketch, funeral poems and scriptures, as well as memorial photo collages and clipart. Additionally, incorporating design elements can enhance the overall appearance and personalization of the funeral brochures. Consider adding photos of family and friends, photo collages, and memorial clipart, such as elegant borders and frames, or images that reflect your loved one's personality, such as religious symbols or favorite flowers. Flourishes and separators can be included to enhance visual clarity and create a neat and organized brochure. The back of the funeral brochures may feature a memorial poem, favorite song, or prayer. The final section could also include a personal quote from a family member, a list of pallbearers, flower bearers, or special acknowledgments from the family. When designing funeral brochures, it is crucial to remember that it serves as a cherished keepsake, representing the unique personality and life of your loved one. Therefore, the funeral brochures should be comprehensive and effectively convey their individual traits.

Funeral Brochures Sample


Funeral brochures are a trifold presentation and convenient in sizing which makes them a popular choice for a funeral program.

What is the brochure at a funeral called?

A funeral can also be referred to as a trifold brochure or trifold funeral program. It contains two folds in the assembly and is easy to do. The assembly can be done by hand or by an automatic folding machine.

How do you make a funeral brochure?

The best and fastest way to create a funeral brochure is just to start with a ready-made funeral brochure template. These are available already formatted and designed with a beautiful background set in place. The Funeral Program Site is the premiere destination online for downloading such brochure templates.

What size is a funeral brochure?

The funeral brochures can come in 3 different sizes such as letter, legal or tabloid sizing. The most popular of the 3 sizes is the legal size. It provides ample room for content and photos. Most families choose the largest tabloid size funeral brochure if more room is needed. Adding pages is not possible with a funeral brochure.


Funeral Brochure Resources